My friend and colleague Dr. Sean Michael Lucas, Associate Professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary and Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, MS, has just made a major contribution to the history of Presbyterian and Reformed denominational life in North America. His book For a Continuing Church: The Roots of the Presbyterian Church in America (P&R, 2015) is the fruit of more than a decade of careful historical research and reflection. It was my privilege to write the foreword to this book, which I include…
Wednesday, June 10 at 8 a.m. in Meeting Room 7 & 8 Seminar title: God’s physicians: models of pastoral care and neglect at the Westminster assembly Dr Chad Van Dixhoorn, Associate Professor of Church History, Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington, DC and Chancellor’s Professor of Historical Theology Brief seminar description This brief lecture tries to understand what the Westminster assembly (1643-1653) was looking for in a pastor. It offers an initial attempt to understand what the assembly had in mind when it considered…
William S. Plumer’s commentary on the Psalms is a massive volume of practical divinity and an overlooked treasure. Here are five gems from his “Devotional Thoughts” on Psalm 1. All preaching and writing, which uniformly fail to draw a vigorous line between the friends and foes of God, cannot much profit men’s souls. A discriminating statement of the truths of God’s word is eminently scriptural. So we learn from the first Psalm and from all the sacred writers. Let the difference between sin and holiness, saints and sinners…
2 Corinthians 12:15 “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.” (ESV) This, certainly, was an evidence of a more than fatherly affection — that he was prepared to lay out in their behalf not merely his endeavors, and everything in his power to do, but even life itself. Nay more, while he is regarded by them with coldness, he continues, nevertheless, to cherish this affection. What heart, though even as hard as iron, would such ardor of love not soften or break,…
RTS will have a major presence at The Gospel Coalition National Conference in Orlando next week, Monday to Wednesday, April 13-15. If you are attending, come visit us at the RTS booth. Kevin Collins @RevKevCollins and his team would love to meet you.…
Over the years, I have been asked by a number of folks if they could access my PhD thesis, done at the University of Edinburgh, New College, under a towering scholar of early Christianity, the late David F. Wright. The topic was the use of…
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Theological Famine Relief Project of TGC International Outreach A Report by Ligon Duncan Chancellor and John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology Reformed Theological Seminary We have…
Almost two years ago, my friend Bryant Taylor, a Ruling Elder of Redeemer Church, Jackson, MS, delivered an invitation to me to preach for the 10th anniversary of this vibrant, urban, multi-ethnic, cross-cultural PCA congregation. I immediately…
This coming Lord’s Day is the 10th anniversary of Redeemer Church PCA – Jackson, a vibrant, reformed, Gospel-centered, multi-ethnic congregation in the heart of Jackson, Mississippi (btw, follow Redeemer on Twitter at @RedeemerJackson).…