This year marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity & Liberalism. The Reformed Theological Seminary Jackson faculty is going to be reading through the book together during our faculty meetings this semester. It has been almost forty (40) years since I first read this book, in my twenties. In order to re-read it better, I drafted a paragraph by paragraph description/outline of the contents of chapters 1 and 2 (I will add others as I have opportunity). Chapter 1: Introduction 1. The purpose of…
What sets RTS apart? What unique features of an RTS theological education attract students to the seminary? What are the features and distinctives of RTS that you can’t find anywhere else? We call these “The RTS Advantage.” No other seminary in the world offers this combination of benefits. 1. Faculty – The quality and quantity of RTS’s faculty is unparalleled in graduate theological education. RTS has the largest, most widely-regarded and prolific confessional Reformed faculty in the world. The “secret sauce” of RTS is our…
1. True and saving knowledge of God has in view not only comprehension but decision and action. (Foreword, 5-6 [pages are from the Hodder & Stoughton, 1975 edition). 2. Ignorance of God lies at the root of much of the church’s weakness today. (Foreword, 6). 3. Two trends have contributed to the church’s current ignorance of God: (1) Christian minds have been conformed to the modern spirit: we have great thoughts of man and small thoughts of God. (2) Christian minds have been confused by modern skepticism. (Foreword, 6-7). 4. The…
We could summarize the whole book, as teaching [1] who God is and [2] how we can relate to him. The outline of the whole book, could be summarized: I. The hows and whys of knowing God; II. The attributes of God; and III. Some primary benefits of…
Ye may know this (your adoption by God) by the following marks. Mark 1. The image ye bear. Children are like their father, and all God’s children father themselves. I allude to Judges 8:18. They each one resemble the children of a king. Look to thy…
There is nothing more important in Christian public worship than the reading of the Scriptures, God’s holy, inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word. In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul says to Timothy: “Until I come, give attention to the public reading of…
The Westminster Directory of Publick Worship (1645) Of Publick Reading of the Holy Scriptures. READING of the word in the congregation, being part of the publick worship of God, (wherein we acknowledge our dependence upon him, and subjection to him,)…
My introduction to the Christian Focus Publications edition of Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s “A Basket of Fragments.” “A Basket of Fragments” is not the most arresting book title that you may have ever encountered, but do not…
Q. 3. What is the Word of God? A. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God,the only rule of faith and obedience. Lord, we do not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4;…