Berkhof on the nature of the biblical concept of covenant One of the things I frequently do in preparation for teaching my Covenant Theology course at Reformed Theological Seminary (as I will do again at RTS Washington this week), is quickly re-read the relevant sections of Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology. Though a lot of very good scholarship has been done on the Bible’s teaching on the covenants in the seventy-five plus years since Berkhof first wrote, his summaries and judgments are remarkably durable and valuable. Take for instance…
The great B.B. Warfield once said that “Calvinism” (which he described as as “that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all of experience” and by which he simply meant that system of theology that joyfully embraces the rich, comforting, God-exalting, self-abasing, Christ-honoring, biblical message of the sovereignty of God in salvation and all things) could be summed up in three words: “God saves sinners.” God. Saves. Sinners. Each of those words is important for understanding what the Bible teaches…
A pastor friend of mine contacted me this week and asked if I had written an article on my “top twenty” hymns. The reason he asked me for this is that he pastors a church that has not been using much in the way of traditional hymnody for a number of years, and they are now trying to introduce more hymns into their congregational singing. He wanted a good list of hymns for them to use as they try to reincorporate hymns into the diet of their Sunday worship services. Well, as it turns out, I haven’t ever written an article on my “top…
Defending the Faith; Denying the Image – Abstract Ligon Duncan Summary: How 19th century Presbyterians simultaneously faithfully defended historic Christian orthodoxy against Enlightenment rationalistic anti-supernaturalism, and accommodated…
“Where should I go to seminary?” “And why?” As you may imagine, as Chancellor of RTS I get asked that question a lot. Usually, the person who is asking me that question is from a confessionally reformed denomination or…
It was a delight to do a podcast on the Book of Numbers with Nancy Guthrie. I came to love this overlooked Bible book while preaching through it at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS in 2007-2008. A few years later I preached on a passage in…
This morning (Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017), my pastor David Strain preached from 1 Timothy 3:14-16, a passage that has been a special interest to me for a number of years. It was an excellent message and brought out many things that I have missed…
RTS Global Education has made my Theology of Worship (PT526) course available online. Students or auditors may register for the full course by contacting any RTS campus registrar, check out to find out more. This is an all video course, and…
My friend and colleague Dr. Don Sweeting, former President of Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando and now President of Colorado Christian University, recently wrote an important and timely article called The Pastoral Debt Crisis. It is a topic…