Our God is a forgiving God. From the beginning of the Scriptures to the end, God is praised as a God of pardon. Moses can exclaim that the God of Israel “keeps lovingkindness for thousands” and “forgives iniquity, transgression and sin” (Exodus 34:7), and Paul can speak of the same Lord who has “forgiven us all our transgressions” (Colossians 2:13). And it is a good thing too, for every believer knows that he must cry out with the Psalmist: “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could…
As Jesus, when He sat in the judgment hall of Annas offering Himself as a victim for the saving of the world, yet had time to turn a significant glance upon Peter as he stood denying Him before the courtyard fire, and thus saved His poor repentant follower in the saving of the world; so God in his use of Elijah for the teaching of Israel also found time to train the heart of the prophet himself.” B.B. Warfield, “The Cause of God” in Faith and Life (Banner of Truth) 1 Kings 19 “The Underestimated God”
On August 29, 2005, nine years ago today, Hurricane Katrina crashed ashore, and changed New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast forever. Here is the article that I wrote for the First Presbyterian Church newsletter, The First Epistle, that following week. Mississippi has endured in this last week was, perhaps, the most significant “natural” and human disaster in the history of our State. Yes, one could argue that the Flood of 1927 rivals the extent of this storm’s impact, and one could rightly note the impacts of the Civil War,…
Every Christian ought to want to know more of the Father’s great love for us and our Savior’s dying work for us in the atonement. The cross is at the heart of the Gospel, the heart of the Christian faith and the heart of the Christian life. The…
The good folks at Ligonier Ministries asked Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters, James M. Baird Professor of New Testament at RTS Jackson to give a short, popular, biblical, helpful response to the questions “Was Adam a Historical Person?” and…
Philippians. One small letter. Four brief “chapters.” 104 verses. About two and a half pages in 12 pt Times Roman type on 8 x 11 typing paper. Only about 2,381 words in English. Chock full of glory! Back in 2007, I did an exposition of…
Worship is not evangelism, but our worship services should always have the free offer of the Gospel in mind, and if we are God-centered and Bible-directed we will be evangelistic. Those who most believe in the sovereignty of God, and most long for…
The “Preacher” of Ecclesiastes has a relentless message (he doesn’t wait long to tell you, just look at the second verse of the book). The message is this: all our efforts to find happiness apart from God are useless. This life, apart from…
There is a trend today in some evangelical Christian circles to deny that the New Testament has a category for gathered, public worship like the Old Testament did. The arguments vary. Some point to the lack of Old Testament liturgical language in…