What is worship? Well, the Psalmist tells us succinctly. It is giving unto the Lord the glory due his name (Psalm 29:1-2). Jerry Bridges, noted author of The Pursuit of Holiness and Transforming Grace, recently asked this very question and answered as follows: “In Scripture the word worship is used to denote both an overall way of life and a specific activity. When the prophet Jonah said, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God heaven, who made the sea and the land “(Jonah 1:9), he was speaking about his whole manner of…
“Whatever is esteemed or loved, feared or served, delighted in or depended on, more than God that (whatever it is) we do in effect make a god of.” – Matthew Henry
In Faith he Dy’d; in Dust he lies But faith foresees that Dust shall rise When JESUS calls, while Hope Assumes And boasts her joy among the tombs from the grave of Alexander Peronneau, 12 year old boy, died 1747, found in the graveyard of the Circular Congregational Church Charleston, South Carolina
Richard Baxter, from The Reformed Pastor, chapter 1: The most holy men are the most excellent students of God’s works, and none but the holy can rightly study them or know them. His works are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure…
On July 8, 1741, Jonathan Edwards preached what may the most famous sermon ever preached in North America: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Follow the links below to find more about the sermon, and Edwards. The conclusion of the…
Today (July 7) in 1878, Francis Grimké was ordained as a Presbyterian minister. He was born in Charleston, SC to a white father (a slaveholding planter) and an enslaved mother (of European and African descent). He would eventually move North,…
Many of us are familiar with the inspiring story of the audacious German monk, Martin Luther, nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the church door in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. Lots of us know that one of his great concerns was the doctrine of…
This day in 1962 (July 5) the famous American neo-orthodox theologian H. Richard Niebuhr died. He wrote an important book Christ and Culture and in his work The Kingdom of God in America he criticized liberal social gospel teaching, describing its…
Lord, like the publican, I stand, and lift my heart up unto to Thee; Thy pard’ning grace, O God, command, and be Thou merciful to me. I own my sin before your sight and do concede my guilt to Thee; O save my soul from its dire plight, and be Thou merciful to me. My fault, my shame, I all confess; I have no hope, no debate, no plea, but Jesus’ blood and righteousness, so be Thou merciful to me. Here at Thy cross I still would wait, nor from its shelter would I flee, till…