6.1 Even the first and original human sin has a purpose for God’s Glory.6.2 Because of this sin Adam and Eve lost their original righteousness and communion with God, became dead in sin, and wholly defiled in every part of soul and body.6.3 Because they were the parents of all humanity, the guilt of this sin was imputed and corruption of nature passed down, with the death in sin, to all descended from them by ordinary generation.6.4 From this original corruption, which has been passed down to us, comes all our actual transgressions.6.5 This…
5.1 God rules over absolutely everything and everyone, for his own glory.5.2 God’s sovereignty does not contradict but rather complements human responsibility.5.3 God ordinarily uses means to accomplish his ends, but sometimes without, above or against them.5.4 God is sovereign over even the worst of evil, but he is not responsible for sin and does not condone any wickedness.5.5 God exercises a pastoral providence over sin and temptation for the sake of his people.5.6 God exercises a justly judging providence in relation to the sins of the…
4.1 The Triune God for the display of his glory created the entire world, ex nihilo, in six days, and all good. 4.2 God created human beings, male and female, in his image, with his law on their hearts, in happy communion with him, and with stewardship over creation.
3.1 God ordains everything that happens, but isn’t responsible for sin, and people are not puppets, and what they do matters. 3.2 God knows the future exhaustively and unconditionally, but his decree is not based on his foresight. 3.3 God…
About God, and The Trinity 2.1 There is only one, living and true God, infinite in being and perfection, who is most pure Spirit, invisible and without the limitations of human body, parts or passions, who is immutable, immense, eternal,…
1.1 Holy Scripture (written special divine revelation) is necessary, to give the saving knowledge of God, to preserve and propagate the truth, and to establish and comfort the church.1.2 There is a fixed scriptural canon of sixty-six books, inspired…