Many of our Reformed Theological Seminary friends and supporters have probably been receiving the RTS 2024 Generosity Report that was just recently mailed out. It is a testimony to God’s generous provision and to the faithful, sacrificial giving of thousands of our partners. We give thanks for what the Lord has supplied, what he has enabled us to do, and indeed what he has given us the privilege to do for him, for the church, this last year. Below are just a few of the highlights. In 2024, RTS donors contributed $12.9 million to RTS, supporting 2,038 students, and enabling them to take…
July 16th Dr. Duncan will deliver a plenary address at the Matthew Henry Conference in Chester, England (see the full conference schedule below). The University of Chester in collaboration with the Chester Cathedral Library and the University of Manchester, is sponsoring this interdisciplinary conference to commemorate the tercentenary of the death of Matthew Henry (22 June 1714) and his 25-year ministry in Chester (1687–1712). Matthew Henry (1662–1714) is remembered today by two major groups of scholars: by historians as a leading…
Archibald Alexander has some fascinating observations in his chapter “Imperfect Sanctification.–The Spiritual Warfare” in his famous book Thoughts on Religious Experience (1841) that are relevant to current discussions in the Reformed family on sanctification. See especially his remarks in the final paragraph quoted. When he speaks of “ultra-Calvinists” his reference is to Calvinistic Antinomianism (the denial of the moral law as a rule of life for believers and the denigration of progressive sanctification). “It may be difficult to…
We will gather at the First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS on the evening of Thursday, October 2, 2014. Joined by the Board, Leadership and friends, especially our honored speaker: Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Please plan to join us. Save the date. More information and formal invitation to follow.
Dr. Ligon Duncan was the preacher for the morning services at Christ Evangelical Presbyterian Church the host church of RTS Houston. Dr. John Crimmons, Senior Pastor of CEPC, introduced Dr. Duncan to the congregation. In the evening Dr. Duncan preached at Christ Church in Katy Texas, where RTS Alum Rev. Fred Greco, serves as senior pastor and RTS Adjunct professor Duncan Rankin serves as Associate Pastor.
RTS Distance Education is pleased to announce the release of the Covenant Theology interactive notebook on the iBook store. This interactive notebook is designed to compliment the Covenant Theology lectures by Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, featuring videos of Dr. Duncan, interactive elements, striking imagery, lesson outlines, reading assignments, review questions, and more! This interactive notebook, available for iPad (running iOS 5.1 or later) and Mac (running OS X 10.9 or later), will help the…
RTS Chancellor Ligon Duncan spoke at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church General Assembly today. From the OPC’s 2014 General Assembly Report: The Rev. Dr. Ligon Duncan, a minister in the PCA, addressed the assembly, expressing his appreciation for the OPC’s faithfulness regarding the inerrancy of Scripture and commitment to the Reformed faith. Dr. Duncan went on to report several issues that will be facing the PCA next week, including questions about the insider movement, as well as a…
Dr. J. Ligon Duncan gives the 2014 Commencement address at RTS Jackson. Dr. Duncan uses 1 Timothy 1 to ask the listener what is their goal in ministry?
Ligon Duncan once again served as the Convener of the Twin Lakes Fellowship, which was held April 22-24 at Twin Lakes Camp in Florence, Miss. In his opening letter, Duncan states the twofold purpose of this fellowship: “(1) to encourage ministers and church and to network with them, in order to promote the work of church planting through their local congregations and (2) to encourage ministers in their personal growth in grace, so as to maximize their effectiveness in promoting the work of the…
In his message at Together for the Gospel 2014, Ligon expounded Numbers 5:1-4 where the Lord tells Moses to command Israel that those who are unclean must be put outside the camp. He unpacked the practical, theological, and Christological reasons for this command, and pointed to Christ. The beauty of the Gospel was preached powerfully.