Many of our Reformed Theological Seminary friends and supporters have probably been receiving the RTS 2024 Generosity Report that was just recently mailed out. It is a testimony to God’s generous provision and to the faithful, sacrificial giving of thousands of our partners. We give thanks for what the Lord has supplied, what he has enabled us to do, and indeed what he has given us the privilege to do for him, for the church, this last year. Below are just a few of the highlights. In 2024, RTS donors contributed $12.9 million to RTS, supporting 2,038 students, and enabling them to take…
The Lord's Day Morning May 9, 2010 Mother's Day Luke 10:38-42 “It's Not About Martha. It's About You.” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III As we continue to prepare for worship, let me invite you to take your hymnals in hand and turn to number 115. Our opening song of praise is “All Creatures of Our God and King,” a glorious text set to one of the most beautiful and majestic hymn tunes that we have. We’re working through the gospel of Luke in our preaching. We've come to the very end of Luke chapter 10 and this is the passage where Martha and Mary host Jesus in their home. It is the perfect passage for Mother's Day and I did not plan this so I’ll be delighted to be in God's Word with you at the end of Luke chapter 10. Because it is Mother's Day I thought you…
The Lord's Day Morning May 2, 2010 Luke 10:25-37 “What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us worship God. Lord our God, we have just sung of choirs of angels who sing Your praise and glory in the heavens above and we with feebler lays now come and mingle our voices with theirs, the church militant and the church triumphant, in one accord singing the praises of You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We ask that You would come down now and dwell amongst us by Your Spirit that we might worship You in spirit and in truth, that where two or three are gathered in Your name there You would be in the midst of Your people. May Your word dwell richly within our hearts this morning. May the…
The Lord's Day Morning April 25, 2010 Luke 10: 17-24 “Hidden and Revealed” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III As we prepare for worship, especially in light of our subject, I want to give you these words from J.C. Ryle, the great evangelical Anglican bishop of Liverpool. He says this: “Nothing so blinds the eyes of our souls to the beauty of the Gospel as the vain delusive idea that we are not so ignorant and wicked as some and that we have got a character which will bear inspection. Happy is the man who has learned to feel that he is wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. To see that we are bad is the first step towards being really good. To feel that we are ignorant is the first beginning of all saving knowledge.” This is one of the things that Jesus emphasizes in the very…
The Lord's Day Morning April 11, 2010 Communion Sunday Luke 10:1-16 “Sent Out” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever. Let all who fear the Lord say His loving kindness is everlasting. Let us worship Him. If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 10 as we continue our way through the gospel. As we look at this passage in which Jesus sends His disciples out again on a mission, I want you to be…
The Lord's Day Morning April 4, 2010 Easter Sunday 1 Peter 1:3-5 “Born Anew to Hope, Through the Resurrection” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III The stone the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us worship God. Lord our God we quiet our hearts just now as we come into Your marvelous presence. Lord Jesus, You have been raised from the dead. You know…
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting March 31, 2010 The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Now all of these things are examples of sins that are common to the human heart and thus they press home a great lesson. Of course this isn't the only picture the psalms give of human beings. If you turn back just a couple of pages in your Bibles to Psalm 8 there is this beautiful expression of what God has done in the creation of man. Psalm 8 verse 5 — “You have made him a little lower” depending on…
The Lord's Day Morning March 28, 2010 Palm Sunday Luke 9:57-62 “The Cost of Discipleship” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you want to take your hymnals in hand you can turn to number 97 because our opening song of praise is “We Praise You O God, Our Redeemer, Creator” and you may want to use those words as we prepare for worship. Let me mention two other things about the songs that we’ll sing today. We’ll sing Theodulph of Orlean's hymn, “All Glory, Laud, and Honor.” This is a…
The Lord's Day Morning March 14, 2010 Luke 9:46-56 “Who Is the Greatest?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III O come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. Let us worship Him. If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 9. We’ll begin in verse 46 as we continue our way through the gospel of Luke. If you look at this passage there are three parts to it. Luke…
The Lord's Day Morning March 7, 2010 Luke 9:37-45 “Amazed by the Greatness of God” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from trouble and gathered from the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. Let us worship Him. If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 9. We’re going to be looking at verses…