Many of our Reformed Theological Seminary friends and supporters have probably been receiving the RTS 2024 Generosity Report that was just recently mailed out. It is a testimony to God’s generous provision and to the faithful, sacrificial giving of thousands of our partners. We give thanks for what the Lord has supplied, what he has enabled us to do, and indeed what he has given us the privilege to do for him, for the church, this last year. Below are just a few of the highlights. In 2024, RTS donors contributed $12.9 million to RTS, supporting 2,038 students, and enabling them to take…
The Lord's Day Evening March 7, 2010 Colossians 3:16 “Why We Sing and How it Helps Us” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III The apostle Paul, in Colossians chapter 3 verse 16, exhorts the Colossians and you and me as brothers and sister in Jesus Christ to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” A quick glance at the concordance will supply you will well over one hundred passages in the Scripture that exhort us to and supply us reasons for singing and singing praise to God. And so in just a few moments I want to explore with you why we sing, and to answer that from Scripture, and then to ask — How does that help us? How does it help us to sing?…
The Lord's Day Morning February 14, 2010 Luke 9:28-36 “The New Exodus” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Let us worship Him. Our Lord and our God we bow before You. We acknowledge you as the Creator of everything and the Ruler of the whole universe, but especially this day we come to You as the God of grace, for it's only by Your grace that we dare enter into Your presence and call out to You, “Abba, Father.” For because of our sins we deserve to be far from You. We deserve to be cast out and condemned, judged and found lacking. And yet in the greatness of Your own love, You sent Your Son, Your only Son, the Beloved, the only Begotten, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for…
The Lord's Day Morning February 7, 2010 Luke 9:23-27 “The First Lesson in Christ's School of Discipleship” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 9. We’ll be looking at the twenty third through the twenty seventh verses in this great chapter together. The subject of this passage is self denial. Connie said to me before the morning service that she would be praying for me because she knew this would be a hard sermon to preach. Now, I don't know whether she was implying that self denial would be particularly difficult for me to address because of my own besetting sins, which probably would be true. Connie's too polite to suggest something like that though. I think she was probably suggesting that self denial…
The Lord's Day Morning January 24, 2010 Luke 9:18-22 “Confession, Christ, Cross, Constraint” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 9 as we continue our way through the Gospel together. Before we read this passage, a passage of central importance in the gospel of Luke and in the whole story of the Lord Jesus Christ, I want to draw your attention to six parts in the passage so that as we read through you’re able to follow along…
The Lord's Day Morning January 10, 2010 Luke 9:10-17 “Jesus Is More Than Enough” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 9. As we continue our way through this great gospel, we come to a passage which deals with the feeding of the five thousand. It's a passage which has obvious bearing on the Lord's Supper. It's a passage in which Jesus’ compassion is on vivid display, especially in contrast to His disciples, who…
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting January 6, 2010 Joshau Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, III. We’re beginning a series of studies of whole Bible books and as you've already seen in your bulletin, I'm going to be preaching on Joshua tonight — all of Joshua — twenty four chapters of Joshua. Now lest you feel sorry for me, as I may have at moments myself today, Derek has to preach on the Psalms — all one hundred and fifty psalms in twenty five minutes. And so I think Derek wins the prize. So…
The Lord's Day Morning January 3, 2010 Luke 9:1-9 “He called. He gave. He sent.” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III We’re looking at a passage in which Jesus commissions His disciples to preach the circuit, a short preaching assignment in the villages and towns in the area in which they presently found themselves. As we look at this passage I do want you to keep your eyes out for three or four things. In verses 1 and 2, you see Jesus call His disciples and engift His disciples and send His…
The Lord's Day Morning December 27, 2009 Luke 8:40-56 “Are You Laughing or Amazed?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 8 as we continue to make our way through the gospel together. This is the next set of miracles in a series of miracles that Luke has been telling us about since at least chapter 5. There are three things in particular I want you to note about the passage before we read it. The first thing is this — you…
The Lord's Day Morning December 13, 2009 Luke 8:26-39 “The Man Jesus Renamed” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 8 and this great story of the man who was possessed by demons, liberated by the Lord Jesus Christ. Derek Thomas was reminding me this morning that Ridderbos, in his famous book, The Coming of the Kingdom, records seventeen different interpretations that he had found of this particular parable. Now I must say that…