Almighty God and Heavenly Father, who hast given unto us thy dear Son to be our Lord and King, grant, we beseech thee, that thou wouldst destroy and dissipate by thy marvelous wisdom all enterprises devised and directed against him throughout the whole world; and make us so to profit and grow in his holy law and doctrine that, in all fear and reverence, we may serve thee; that in the end we may attain to that endless joy which we hope to receive through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son. Amen. ~ Prayers on the Psalms (Banner of Truth Trust),…
This year (2019), I plan to work my way through a devotional treasure called Prayers on the Psalms (published by The Banner of Truth Trust). This little book contains prayers meant to accompany the reading of the 150 canonical Psalms. Over the first month of posting these prayers on Twitter, I will give some background on where they come from. This book was edited by my beloved teacher, Dr. David B. Calhoun, longtime (and now Emeritus) Professor of Church History at Covenant Theological Seminary. David is one of the great gifts God has given…
This morning (Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017), my pastor David Strain preached from 1 Timothy 3:14-16, a passage that has been a special interest to me for a number of years. It was an excellent message and brought out many things that I have missed before, and offered superb illustrations of several points that helped me grasp the significance of the text better. One of the phrases in this text that I have long pondered (and have been not a little baffled by, and uncertain of how to explain or express) is “By common confession, great is the…
I want to wish you a blessed Easter from all your friends at Reformed Theological Seminary. Easter Sunday gives us opportunity to reflect on what motivates and enables us to worship the living God every Lord’s Day. Christ is risen! He is risen…
Dr. David B. Calhoun, longtime (and now Emeritus) Professor of Church History at Covenant Theological Seminary, is one of the great gifts God has given to his church in my lifetime, and also, perhaps, a too well kept secret. His writings and lectures…
Suggested Resources on Race and our History for the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley Important Online Resources: Race and Church Thabiti Anyabwile, “Jonathan Edwards, Slavery, and the Theology of African Americans,” Thabiti Anyabwile, “Bondage or Freedom? Questions in Early American Theology,” The John L. Girardeau Lectures, First Presbyterian…
Just after 3 o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, in French Camp, Mississippi, the The Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley – PCA (PMV) unanimously approved an overture to the PCA General Assembly “Confession of the…
Psalm 1 may well give us the key to the whole Christian life in its first sentence. As I have studied Genesis 1-2 over the years, I have become more and more aware of the way it connects blessing and obedience. In Genesis 1-2, the commands are…
William S. Plumer’s commentary on the Psalms is a massive volume of practical divinity and an overlooked treasure. Here are five gems from his “Devotional Thoughts” on Psalm 1. All preaching and writing, which uniformly fail to…