Luke’s Christmas Liturgy – Jesus is God
The Lord's Day Evening December 3, 2006 John 1:1, 14-18 “Jesus Is God” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to John, chapter one. Even as on the Lord's Day morning we're going to be working through three Christmas hymns, or psalms or songs, from The Gospel of Luke, so on Sunday evenings during the month of December we're going to be looking specifically at the person of Christ. We’re going to be affirming that Jesus is God, that He is fully divine, that He shares in the essence of the Godhead with His Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. We’re going to be affirming that Jesus is fully and truly human: that He didn't just appear to be human, that He was human in every sense of the word. In fact, He was…