Hated By All On Account of My Name
The Lord's Day Morning July 17, 2011 “Hated By All On Account of My Name” Luke 21:5-24 The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to the gospel of Luke. We’re in the twenty-first chapter as we continue our way through this gospel together, and we've come to a section in Luke in which Luke records Jesus’ teaching to His disciples about the end, about the future, about what is to come. It's provoked by a conversation that Jesus overhears, to which He makes a comment, which then causes the disciples to ask Him a question that gets Him into the issue of the future. But I want to make one simple observation before we begin to read the passage and that's this — whenever the Bible begins to talk about prophecy,…