John Came Preaching Repentance
The Lord's Day Morning March 15, 2009 Luke 3:1-20 “John Came Preaching…Repentance” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Turn with me to Luke, chapter three. We’re going to be looking at the first twenty verses of this chapter, and as we do so, I'd like to walk you through the outline of what Luke teaches us here about the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry. The first two verses of the chapter give us the context for John's ministry, and it's a sad context, very frankly. If you look at the names that are listed in verses 1 and 2, they are a rogues gallery of the biggest villains of their age. These are the people who were going to be involved not only in John's unrighteous death, but they are going to be involved in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, the…