Fighting for Joy, Growing in Humility, Knowing Christ…
The Lord's Day Morning September 16, 2007 Philippians 2:1-3 “Complete My Joy, With Humility” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Let me invite you to turn with me to Philippians, chapter two. We’ll be looking at verses 1, 2, and 3 today, especially concentrating on verse 3. We've been working through this letter for a number of weeks now…a number of months now. The center section of the letter begins in verse 27. Throughout this section the Apostle Paul is exhorting us to live the Christian life. He has especially impressed upon us the fact that we cannot experience the joy that God intends us to enjoy in the congregation of His people unless we are pursuing actively the living of the Christian life. We have said on a number of occasions now that the key to experiencing that…