The Songs of Moses and Miriam
Exodus 15:1-21 The Songs of Moses and Miriam If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Exodus chapter 15. Verses 1 through 18 of this great chapter record for us the song of Moses and the people of Israel. Verse 21 is ascribed to Miriam and the women folk of Israel who apparently sing an antiphonal response to Moses and the men. Collectively this whole song from verse 1 to 21 is known as the song at the sea. The Shirat ha-Yam or the Shirah to the ancient children of Israel. Verses 19 and 20 are the only prose portions of this passage. They reflect on and recount what Moses said from verses 1 through 18 and they introduce the poetic rendering we find in verse 21. Miriam's brief song, you’ll notice in verse 21 is identical to the opening lines of Moses’ song, and…