The Waters of Quarreling
Exodus 17:1-7The Waters of Quarreling If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Exodus chapter 17, as we continue to work our way through this book. Tonight we are coming to the final stage of Israel's’ journey to Sinai. This is the last stop on the way to Sinai, but this oasis of Rephidim turns out to be yet another example of Israel's faithlessness and of God's patience and mercy. Remember that on the way to Sinai, four crises occur in Israel experience. There is the lack of drinking water that we saw in Marah back in Exodus chapter 15 verses 22 to 27. Then in Exodus 16, when they go out into the Wilderness of Sin after passing through Elim, there is a shortage of food and God provides the manna and the quail there in the wilderness. Here we come again…