The Life of Jacob (1): a Blessing Stolen
Genesis 27:1-29 A Blessing Stolen If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Genesis, chapter 27. As you do so, I want to invite the Williams to join me at the front of the sanctuary after the service, and for all of you to come and give them the right hand of fellowship and express to them your support and prayer support for their ministry in Austria. Genesis 27. We have been for a number of weeks in the life of Isaac. And tonight we begin a new series in the life of Jacob. The focus turns now from Isaac the father, who will live and linger for many, many years to come. It turns now from Isaac now to Jacob, his son. As we looked at Genesis 25 we saw the legacy of Ishmael recorded there. But we also saw two very important events in the line of Isaac. First, we saw in…