The Brothers Return to Egypt
Genesis 43:1-34 The Brothers Return to Egypt If you have your Bibles, I would invite you to turn with me to Genesis 43. We have said several times as we have worked through the life of Joseph together that two over-arching purposes in God's providence are apparent as we read the history of Joseph. First of all, the story of Joseph tells us how Israel would up in Egypt in the first place. So that Genesis 15, verses 13 and 14 could be fulfilled. And secondly, it explains how the promise of God in Genesis 12, verses 1 and 2 would be fulfilled. That is how God would make the family of Abraham into a great nation. And as we have surveyed the life of Joseph, we have noted that in Genesis 37 through Genesis 40, a pattern. Joseph's original favored status, but conflict with his brothers,…