An Ancient Christmas: The Coming of Jesus in the Old…
The Lord's Day Evening December 9, 2012 “An Ancient Christmas: The Coming of Jesus in the Old Testament — The Branch” Isaiah 10:33-12:6 The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Isaiah chapter 10. We’re going to read a section that runs from Isaiah 10:33 all the way to 12:6. We’re looking tonight in our series called, “An Ancient Christmas,” at a passage, especially Isaiah 11:1-10, which speaks of the prophecy of a branch. Now this branch prophecy is an important Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament. If you were to turn to Jeremiah 23 verse 5, you would see Jeremiah prophecy the coming of the branch. It's an important theme, an important term, that is used for the coming Messiah. And our concentration…