With God In the Wilderness: Introduction
Wednesday Evening January 3, 2007 Numbers 1:1-4 “With God In the Wilderness: Introduction” Dr. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to the Book of Numbers. I would encourage you to bring your Bibles, though. I hope that over the course of our studies of the Book of Numbers you’ll get a good foundation, a good grasp, of this whole book, and that you’ll want to make notes along in your own Bible as we work through the book. Later on this evening I'm going to hand out a rough outline of where we're going in this book as a whole, as well as an overview outline of the larger book. But we’ll hand that out later in this evening. Here is a book, the fourth book of the Old Testament in terms of its literary order; the fourth book of the Old…