Wednesday Evening June 6, 2007 Numbers 11:1-15 “Grumbling” Dr. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Numbers, chapter 11, and let me just remind you of one thing from last week together. You can take a look at Numbers 10:33-36, and just remember that at the end of Numbers 10, Moses is reminding you of how God visibly demonstrated and manifested His care for, His providence over, His protection of the children of Israel, and He did this in at least two ways. One, He did this through the ark going before the children of Israel. It was reminding them that their God was blazing the trail for them in the wilderness. He wasn’t saying, ‘You guys launch forth, I’ll be back here, I’m backing you up, with you all the way.’ No,…