Balaam’s Prophecy
Wednesday Evening January 2, 2008 Numbers 22:41-23:26 Balaam’s Prophecy (1) Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Amen. If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Numbers 22, the last verse of that chapter, and then we’ll read the first twenty-six verses of the twenty-third chapter tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve been in Numbers together. When we last left Balaam, he was talking to a donkey. And we said that throughout this story the sovereignty of God has been highlighted at the expense of the key antagonist of Israel in this passage. Balak the great king has not looked so great. Balaam, the great pagan soothsayer and seer and prophet, has not looked so great. But God has shown Himself to be great in defense of His own people. And the passage is filled…