The Great Love of God
Amen. Please be seated. As you do so, I'd invite you to take your Bibles and turn with me to Psalm 103. Now if you were here at the eleven o’clock service, you may be saying, “What possibly could he still have to say about Psalm 103 that he didn't already say this morning?” And, sadly, the answer is, “A lot, and I don't have time to say that much tonight!” Derek Kidner says of Psalm 103 that “admiring gratitude shines through every line of this hymn to the God of all grace.” I get jealous reading Derek Kidner. He just has such a way of turning a phrase, and he's so right about this passage. He goes on to say that “in the galaxy of the Psalter, these Psalms…” [and he's referring to Psalm 103 and its next-door neighbor, Psalm 104] “…in the galaxy…