Determined to Worship
If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 108 as we continue our way through the fifth book of the Psalms together. And the last time we were together, we were at Psalm 107 and so we continue tonight in the next psalm. This psalm, as some of you may know, is put together from two other psalms in the Psalter. It has parts of Psalm 57, verses 7 to 11 in it, and it has parts of Psalm 60, verses 5 to 12 in it. And David has put it together. Those previous psalms, perhaps meant especially to be prayers of David to God in specific circumstances in which his own faith was being tested, this psalm perhaps on a national occasion in which the whole community of believers needed to be reminded of the basis of their confidence, the certainty of their hope, the security of…