Living in the Right Kind of Fear
If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 112. I'd like you to keep your finger there at Psalm 112. I want to show you something about the two psalms on either side of it. If you allow yourself to look back at the beginning of Psalm 111, it begins with that ascription, “Praise the LORD” that Paul referred to in the prayer tonight. And then if you’d look forward to Psalm 113, it too begins with the exhortation, “Praise the LORD,” so each of these three psalms are paired with the beginning of the psalm starting with that kind of an exhortation to praise the Lord. There is another way in which these psalms parallel one another, especially 111 and 112. We said last week that Psalm 111 directs us to the blessedness of God. Psalm 112 tonight will focus on…