Blessing and Blessed
And so with that, let me get you to turn in your Bibles to Psalm 134. We've come all the way from Kedar and Meshech to MountZion. You know, we've been working our way from Psalm 120 here to Psalm 138 in the Psalms of Ascents and the pilgrims have made their way all the way to Jerusalem and we're now coming to the final of the Songs of Ascents. And you hear me say this psalm every Lord's Day evening that I'm in the pulpit leading the service in a slightly different form than the form that you have in the ESV. My form actually harkens back to the King James and Myles Coverdale and some of the old prayer books of the church. That's why you hear some slightly different language. I’ll tell you, for instance, as we work through it, you can see how the ESV translates the…