Marriage Feast of the Lamb: The Divine Expression of…
If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 45. We’re working our way through the second book of the Psalms, Psalms 42 to 72, on Sunday evenings, and over and over we have been asking and will continue to ask, “What does this psalm teach me about Christ and what does this song teach me about Christian experience?” Over the last three weeks, we have been in the depths of Christian experience in that complex of Psalms 42 and 43 and the divine word of “longing,” those prayers: “How long, O Lord? and “Why, O Lord?” Then things got worse. We went to Psalm 44, and we considered that Psalm as it dealt with the struggles and pains and weaknesses and difficulties and tragedies about which the psalms so frankly and realistically speak. But tonight, we scale…