A Mighty Fortress: The Christian Experience of Divine…
Psalm 46 The Christian Experience of Divine Support in Time of Trouble If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me tonight to Psalm 46. We’re working our way through the second book of the Psalms on Sunday evenings, and that will take us from Psalm 42 eventually to Psalm 72. And over and over we're asking what we learn about Christ in these Psalms and what we learn about Christian experience in these Psalms. The first three weeks together in Psalm 42 and 43 and 44, we met the depths of Christian experience. Then last week in Psalm 45–a Messianic, royal wedding Psalm–we scaled the height of Christian delight in God and even considered something of how God delights in His people, His bride, His church. Tonight, we're back in trouble again, but it's…