Denouncing Doeg
If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 52. The last time we were together in Book II of the Psalms, we were in Psalm 51, and perhaps you remember something of the ground that we covered in that familiar but very important penitential Psalm, the greatest of the penitential Psalms. Just keep that in the back of your mind, that the predecessor to Psalm 52 is Psalm 51. In some ways this Psalm stands in utter contrast with its predecessor, Psalm 51. In Psalm 51 David declares his sin against God and another man and pleads for God's mercy for himself. In Psalm 52 David declares another man's sin, his own righteousness by contrast, and prays for God's justice and judgment against his enemy. But, though there is indeed that contrast between Psalm 51 and…