Let the Nations Be Glad: The Christian Experience of…
If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Psalm 67. We looked at this Psalm about two years ago at the time of the Missions Conference. You may not remember it but I do. The Missions Conference Committee had chosen the theme “Let the Nations Be Glad.” And they had done that in part based on John Piper's wonderful book called Let the Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions, which is maybe my favorite book on missions right now. In that book, in large measure, Piper expounds some of the truths of this Psalm, Psalm 67. It is a great, missionary Psalm. In fact, we've noticed some missionary themes running from Psalm 65 to 66, and we see them again here in Psalm 67. The idea of the nations being blessed through the witness of the people of God has been…