A Spokesman for Moses
A Spokesman for MosesExodus 4:10-17 I’d invite you to take your Bibles in hand and turn with me to Exodus 4. Now we’re continuing tonight in our story of Moses’ encounter with the living God at Sinai. As we studied Exodus 1, we saw God’s sovereignty being emphasized in His dealings with His people. When we studied Exodus 2, we saw Moses, the future deliverer introduced to us. He’s introduced in a favorable light, but he was unsuccessful in liberating Israel by his own efforts, and he ends up in exile. At the end of Exodus 2, we saw in verses 23 to the end of the chapter that it was emphasized that the redemption of Israel is rooted in God’s prior promises, His covenant promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And when you read Exodus 2, verses 24 and 25 you wonder, 'Okay, what…