Poor, Hungry, Weeping, Hated Rejectedand Blessed!
The Lord's Day Morning September 6, 2009 Luke 6:12-23 “Poor, Hungry, Weeping, Hated, Rejected…and Blessed!” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 6. We continue now our study in the Gospel of Luke that we began a number of months ago. We left off in Luke 6:1-11, a passage in which the Lord Jesus is teaching us about the Lord's Day, and today we pick up in a passage in Luke 6:12, in which Jesus is gathering His larger circle of disciples, and from them, choosing the twelve who are going to be His inner circle, the disciples into whose lives He is going to pour Himself most closely and the circumstances surrounding that. And the second half of the passage that we're going to read today, all the way down to verse 23, is…