Are you Laughing or Amazed?
The Lord's Day Morning December 27, 2009 Luke 8:40-56 “Are You Laughing or Amazed?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 8 as we continue to make our way through the gospel together. This is the next set of miracles in a series of miracles that Luke has been telling us about since at least chapter 5. There are three things in particular I want you to note about the passage before we read it. The first thing is this — you need to understand, as a background to the two miracles that are recorded in this passage, the laws of uncleanness in Israel. In Israel, if you came into contact with someone with a skin disease, especially leprosy, or into contact with someone with a discharge, a bodily discharge, especially a…