He Came for Sinners
The Lord's Day Morning May 24, 2009 Luke 5:27-39 “He Came for Sinners” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III Amen. If you have your Bible, I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke 5:27-39, as we continue our way through the Gospel of Luke. The story that we're going to read this morning is all of a piece. It presses to one great point, but I want you to see three parts in it before we read it so that you can appreciate what Luke is laying out for you under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The first part of this story is the conversion of a person that you know. In this story he's called Levi; you know him by another name, but his conversion story and the call of Jesus to him is reported in the first part of the story we're going to read today. Then the second part of the story…