Fighting for Joy, Growing in Humility, Knowing Christ…
The Lord's Day Morning July 22, 2007 Philippians 1:27-28 “Living In a Manner Worthy of the Gospel” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Philippians 1:27. Now, it may not show in your particular translation a break, although some of you may well have a new heading that has been inserted by the editor of your particular edition of the Scripture, but something big happens between Philippians 1:26 and Philippians 1:27. Even though there's a connecting word that makes it clear that Paul is now turning to a new subject, transitioning right out of verse 26 into his new topic in Philippians 1:27, this is a new section of the book. In fact, when you get to Philippians 1:27, you have gotten to the main section of the book. You will…