That I May Dwell Among Them
Exodus 25. 1-40That I May Dwell Among Them Now if we were going to outline this passage together we would divide it into four parts. The introduction to the building of the tabernacle and of all its furnishings is in verses 1-9. There we have the call for costly gifts to build the tabernacle. The second part of the chapter is in verses 10-22 where we get the instructions for the ark of the testimony or the ark of the covenant. The third part of the chapter is in verses 23 — 30,where we get the instructions for the bread of presence. And the fourth part of the chapter is found in verses 31 — 40, where we get the instructions for the golden lamp stand. But I am going to concentrate especially on verses 1 — 9 and on verse 40, because, Exodus 25 sets forth key spiritual principles for…