Hidden and Revealed
The Lord's Day Morning April 25, 2010 Luke 10: 17-24 “Hidden and Revealed” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III As we prepare for worship, especially in light of our subject, I want to give you these words from J.C. Ryle, the great evangelical Anglican bishop of Liverpool. He says this: “Nothing so blinds the eyes of our souls to the beauty of the Gospel as the vain delusive idea that we are not so ignorant and wicked as some and that we have got a character which will bear inspection. Happy is the man who has learned to feel that he is wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. To see that we are bad is the first step towards being really good. To feel that we are ignorant is the first beginning of all saving knowledge.” This is one of the things that Jesus emphasizes in the very…