The Flood (The Life of Noah) Part V: The Sign in the…
Genesis 9:1-17 The Flood (The Life of Noah) Part 5: The Sign in the Clouds If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Genesis, chapter 9. As we have reviewed the early chapters of the book of Genesis, we have seen the work of creation recounted in Genesis 1, we've seen the special favor of God toward man highlighted in Genesis 2. In Genesis 3, we've seen the fall of our first parent. In Genesis 4, we've seen examples of the sin and grace which co-existed in the human family descending from Adam and Eve. In Genesis 5 we see Moses recount again to us the original creation, and then talk to us about the godly line from Seth to Noah. In Genesis 6 through 9, we see the story of Noah and of the flood and in particular we saw in Genesis 6, verses 1 through 8, a…