Doing the Right Thing to Pagans and Strangers
Wednesday Evening June 8, 2005 Leviticus 19Doing the Right Thing to Pagans and Strangers J. Ligon Duncan If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Leviticus, chapter nineteen. This is one of the best-known chapters in the Book of Leviticus, in part because this is the chapter from which the New Testament gets the phrase “love your neighbor as yourself.” It's part of this final section of Leviticus that concerns the practice of holiness. It's telling believers in the one true God what practical godliness looks like in daily life. And even as last week the practice of holiness was dealt with along the lines especially of sexual purity over against a rampant sexual immorality in the Canaanite culture, so also this passage deals with how one goes about truly…