The Incomparable Christ – Exposition of…
Colossians 1:21 to 23The Incomparable Christ – Part 6 Please turn with me in your Bibles to Colossians chapter 1. Paul has been writing to a congregation that has had some people come to it and say, ‘Your belief in Christ is fine, your acceptance of the gospel is fine, but if you will add to your belief in Christ, in the gospel, this secret teaching, this extra ritual, your experience and knowledge of God will be deepened.What you believe about Christ is fine.There are just some other things that you don't know about in addition to Christ and to His gospel that will truly deepen your experience of God.’ We've seen the last couple of weeks that one way the Apostle Paul undercuts that type of false teaching is to say, ‘think about who Christ is. How can you add to him?…