The Cure for Covetousness
The Lord's Day Morning September 5, 2010 Luke 12:22-34 “The Cure for Covetousness” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III As we continue to prepare for worship, I want you to take your bulletins in hand if you would. Notice in the middle of the order of service this morning, you will be singing with the choir during the offertory. At that time you’ll sing John Rutter's arrangement of the wonderful hymn, “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation.” And how many times do you get to sing parts of the ancient Trinitarian creeds of the church in your morning worship? You’ll be singing the words consubstantial and co-eternal, and all of the theologians in the room are so excited about that that we would love to talk with anybody who has questions about those terms. But you’re just singing parts…