Jesus Stood Among Them
The Lord's Day Morning January 22, 2012 “Jesus Stood Among Them” Luke 24:36-49 The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke 24. We’re going to look at verses 36 to 49 together this morning. The passage begins with the words, “As they were talking about these things.” It's important for us the last time we were in Luke together Jesus was joining the two, downcast disciples, in their walk from Jerusalem, seven miles to the little village of Emmaus. They didn't realize it was Jesus at first. They were pouring out their hearts at how all their hopes had been dashed when Jesus, whom they had hoped to be the one who would redeem Israel, had been crucified. He had been delivered up by the very chief…