What Makes Angels Rejoice?
The Lord's Day Morning December 12, 2010 Luke 15:1-10 “What Makes Angels Rejoice?” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke 15. We’re going to be looking at the first ten verses together this morning. In Luke 15, Jesus tells three stories. The first of those three stories you’ll see in verses 4 to 6, the second of those three stories you’ll see in verses 8 and 9, and the third of those three stories you’ll see in verses 11 to 32. There is a connection. We’re going to be looking at the first of the two stories today. We’ll look at the third story next Lord's Day, God willing, but there is a connection and I want you to notice it. The first story is the story of a lost sheep. The second story is the story of a lost…