Why is this in the Bible? Skin Disease and Mildew (!)
Wednesday Evening April 13, 2005 Leviticus 13:1-59 “Why is this in the Bible? — Skin Diseases and Mildew (!)” Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III I'd invite you to turn with me to Leviticus 13. This is a long chapter. Leviticus has some short chapters, and then it has some long chapters. Leviticus 12 was just eight verses, but Leviticus 13 is 59 verses and it's very specific material, most of which deals with skin diseases and how the priests are to distinguish between things which are not serious skin diseases and things which are serious skin diseases which preclude you from being able to come into the assembly of God's people within the camp, and which preclude you from coming into the tabernacle to worship the Lord. And so, again, the passage that we are studying tonight is…