The Deliverer Delivered (By Women)!
The Deliverer Delivered (By Women)!Exodus 2:1-10 If you have your Bibles, I’ve invite you to turn with me to Exodus 2. You will remember from our study of the last two or three weeks that Pharaoh, in his desire to bring the children of Israel under control, and to make sure that they do not become a threat to join with the anti-Egyptians as allies to conquer the land, has attempted several different plans or plots to make sure that Israel is suppressed. He may have genuinely only desired to suppress Israel. However, as the tool of Satan, he is in fact engaged in a war of genocide against Israel. Satan desires to snuff Israel out. Three plans, three plots. We saw first excruciating labor. He put Israel to the test in causing them to do backbreaking manual labor. When that failed its…