The Son of Man Must Go
If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you turn with me to Matthew, chapter 26, as we continue through the gospel. We said in Matthew 26, the full chapter served as a prelude of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Matthew 26, verse 2, on Tuesday of the last week of the Lord Jesus’ life before His crucifixion, He had told His disciples that in two days He would be betrayed. It is now in Matthew 26:20, it is now Thursday night of that week, the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover celebration, and Jesus and His disciples have gathered in the upper room. Immediately prior to this section, in Matthew, chapter 26, verse 20, we have seen two totally contrasting events take place. In verses 6 through 13, we have seen this amazing display of devotion and love and loyalty from Mary to Jesus.…