From Eden to the New Heavens and Earth: The Unfolding…
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting January 6, 2010 Joshau Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, III. We’re beginning a series of studies of whole Bible books and as you've already seen in your bulletin, I'm going to be preaching on Joshua tonight — all of Joshua — twenty four chapters of Joshua. Now lest you feel sorry for me, as I may have at moments myself today, Derek has to preach on the Psalms — all one hundred and fifty psalms in twenty five minutes. And so I think Derek wins the prize. So feel sorry for Derek, don't feel sorry for me. Jeremy and I have been talking about this for some time and just in the last week or so have decided that this would be a really helpful thing for us to do in over-viewing Bible books, many of which we haven't had the opportunity to preach through…