The Midwives, Who Feared God
The Midwives, Who Feared God Exodus 1:15-22 If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Exodus, chapter 1 again. We’re going to concentrate on the final words of the chapter, beginning in verse 15. I couldn’t help but think as Derek was preaching on Job, chapter 2 on Wednesday night, that the same struggle of Job not knowing what God’s sovereign purposes were in his trial, must have dawned upon at least some of the children in Egypt. Surely, this question crossed their mind. Why would you have sent us to Egypt in the first place? Why would we have faced the attempts of the officials of this land to exterminate us as a people? Why would we undergo slavery, not for one or two or three generations, but for ten generations. Four hundred and thirty years. Why would we…