Moses, Aaron, and the Sorcerers
Moses, Aaron and the SorcerersExodus 7:8-13 If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Exodus, the 7th chapter, and as you turn toward Exodus 7, verse 8, you might want to sneak a peak back at Exodus 6:10, through 7:7 and remind yourself of what we studied last. It’s been a month since we’ve been in Exodus together, so let’s refresh our memories. In Exodus 6:10 through 7:7 the passage we last studied, we said that we were looking at a turning point in the Exodus story. The great contest between God and Pharaoh was about to begin. In fact, the passage tonight gives us the commencement of that contest between the Lord and Pharaoh. But as we looked at Exodus 6:10 through 7:7 two or three things stood out to us. The first was this. Though Moses was himself experiencing…