Examination For Assurance
The Lord's Day March 28th, 2004 1 John 5:13-21 Examination for Assurance If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to 1 John chapter 5. Today we come to the end of our study of 1 John. This is the epilogue of the book, from the 13th verse of this chapter to the end: John's final words, his parting words, an afterword to us in which he sums up some of the great emphases of this book. Now we've focused much on what John has said about three tests of genuine Christianity: a doctrinal test (what we believe about Jesus), a moral test (how we respond in obedience to God's word), a social or a relational test (how we love one another as Christians). We've seen John focus on mostly the doctrinal and the relational tests in chapter 5. He's repeated several…